Home 9 Our blog 9 I/O Notebook: I am vulnerable

Lately, I often find myself feeling a kind of disconnect when I browse LinkedIn. There are so many stories of flamboyant success, perfect projects, teams or people at the top of their game. It’s inspiring, for sure, but… is it really always reality?

As a manager, I often ask myself this question. By showing only our victories, we end up masking our vulnerabilities. And yet, they are omnipresent, in the ups and downs of everyday business life.

Is vulnerability a taboo subject?

For a long time, I believed, as many do, that to show one’s weaknesses was to risk appearing weak, incompetent, or worse, frightening one’s customers or team. So, like many people I think (?), I learned to keep my doubts to myself, to smile even when stress was crushing me, and to keep going whatever the cost.

But, with time, I’ve come to realize just how exhausting this posture can be. The truth is, as the head of a small business, you’re much more vulnerable than you let on.

It’s not easy to say so. Because society values strength, success and a kind of idealized perfection above all else. But reality is very different:

There are days when we doubt everything – the famous impostor syndrome.
There are days when the loneliness of making important decisions weighs more heavily than usual.
And days when you wonder if you’re really up to the task, you know, when you’ve had it up to here with gu**** all day long, and nothing’s going right, and it’s a really good m*** day (you know the one 😜?).


What if vulnerability was strength?

For a long time, I saw vulnerability as a flaw. Something that had to be hidden, or even corrected. But the older I get (and yes, we’re not that young anymore 😅 ), the more I realize that it can be a real strength.

To accept one’s vulnerability is to accept one’s humanity. And it’s this humanity that ultimately makes the difference. Because behind every company, there are men and women with their doubts, their fears, but also their convictions and their desire to move forward. And that desire is always there!

When I talk openly about my doubts or difficulties with those close to me or my team, something powerful happens. I find it creates a climate of trust and openness, where everyone in turn feels authorized to be sincere.

And it works with customers too. By showing that we’re not perfect machines, but committed human beings, we create much more authentic and solid relationships. At least with the customers you want to continue working with (not the ones who just complain and find everything too expensive, and I’m sure you’ve got some like that too 🙃).


Why is this subject important to me?

I’m sharing all this because it echoes my own daily life. Being a manager isn’t just a succession of victories. It’s also about making mistakes, second-guessing yourself and feeling overwhelmed.

And yet, when I look at LinkedIn or other networks, I very rarely see these realities highlighted (although a little more recently than in the past). Maybe because we’re afraid it won’t “look good”. Maybe because we still believe, wrongly in my opinion, that it would make us less credible.

But I want to change that (hoping not to show 😅). Because I’m convinced that we can be vulnerable and inspiring. And that talking about your flaws isn’t a sign of weakness, but an act of courage and transparency.


INSIDE OUT: a first step

That’s why I launched INSIDE OUT – Inner Reflections. To open the floor, in video or in writing, to show that behind every entrepreneur, every manager, every project, there is one (or more) person with his or her strengths and weaknesses.

In the first episode, I had the opportunity to open up in a way I’d never done before. I talked about the pressures of being a manager, about the system that always pushes you to do more, and about my desire to redefine what success really means.

If this topic speaks to you, I invite you to discover this episode 👇🏻

And more to come…

What about you?

What do you think about vulnerability in the professional world? Do we talk about it enough?

Thank you for taking the time to read these few lines.

It’s a subject close to my heart, and I’d be curious to hear your thoughts 🙏

See you soon,


Our other articles

INSIDE OUT: Room for emotions

As an entrepreneur, we often talk about results, strategies and figures… but rarely about what’s really going on inside. Yet behind every project, every success or difficulty, there are emotions, doubts and, above all, people.

Would you like to discuss your own experience?


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